Auto-dispose on closed scope?

C# (and other languages?) has the helper using statement that automatically calls Dispose, it’s a nice safety to have around. Does Haxe have something similar?

I ask because I’m having to deal with some native C# Enumerators and the code gets a bit messy, I could wrap them with a custom Haxe Iterable but C# wants the Dispose call.

Here’s the basic code in Haxe to talk to a C# Enumerator:

var csEnum = nativeEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
while(csEnum.MoveNext()) {
    var value = csEnum.Current;
    // Do stuff

Easy to wrap so Haxe can use a standard for loop on it, but the only issue is calling Dispose at the end.

No response, so probably a ‘no’ on auto-dispose. This is mostly important for me when working with database connections, so no matter what happens (exceptions/etc) within the scope the session is ‘disposed’, transaction rolled back and disconnected.

If anyone comes across this post looking for a C# to Haxe iterable wrapper, here’s what I ended up with (easy to use via extension method):

class IEnumerableIterator<T> {
    var enumerator:cs.system.collections.generic.IEnumerator_1<T>;
    var hasNextBool = false;
    var nextCalled = false;
    public function new(enumerable:cs.system.collections.generic.IEnumerable_1<T>) {
        enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();

    public function hasNext():Bool {
        if(!nextCalled) {
            hasNextBool = enumerator.MoveNext();
            nextCalled = true;
        return hasNextBool;

    public function next():T {
        nextCalled = false;
        return enumerator.Current;

Umm… not to sound stupid here, but … does this call Dispose()? If so, how?

The first thing that came to mind:

    public function hasNext():Bool {
        if(!nextCalled) {
            hasNextBool = enumerator.MoveNext();
            if (hasNextBool  == false) enumerator.Dispose();
            nextCalled = true;
        return hasNextBool;

(Post Deleted)

I gave up on calling Dispose so I could move on with the project, it doesn’t appear to be required by Enumerators in C#. I do want to auto-dispose things such as database sessions, but I haven’t found a good solution for that.

@RedHeadEatBread thanks for the idea!

I know this is an old post, and I apologize. I came back around to the forum and realized I never posted the final dispose system that ended up implemented.

To handle a C# IDisposable we ended up with:

class DisposeHelper {
    public static function runWithDispose<T:cs.system.IDisposable>(runner:(disposable:T)->Void, disposable:T) {
        try {
        } catch (e:Dynamic) {
            throw e;

We do using DisposeHelper; which makes this an extension method.

Here is a simple (slow/bad) example of runWithDispose in action, but you get the idea hopefully:

var buffer:Array<Int> = [];
(( -> {
    while (streamReader.Peek() != -1)
// Do something with buffer

It ends up readable and emulates the C# using system.