#ifndef __TEST_H
#define __TEST_H
#include <iostream>
class Test {
Test() {}
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
void print(const char* input){
std::cout << input << std::endl;
~Test() {}
Create Main.hx in the same directory:
import cpp.ConstCharStar;
import cpp.Star;
class Main {
static function main() {
final testPointer = Test.create();
trace(testPointer.add(10, 20));
testPointer.print(ConstCharStar.fromString("Hello World"));
testPointer.alternatePrint("Hello World 2");
final test = Test.make();
test.print("I'm not a pointer");
extern class Test {
@:native('new Test')
public static function create():Star<Test>;
public static function make():Test;
public function add(a:Int, b:Int):Int;
public function print(input:ConstCharStar):Void;
public inline function alternatePrint(input:String):Void {
untyped __cpp__('{0}->print({1}.c_str())', this, input);
public function delete():Void;
Now, we need to compile and execute our program: haxe -main Main -cpp .\out -cmd out\Main.exe
As a result, you should see:
Main.hx:8: 30
Hello World
Hello World 2
I'm not a pointer
Just to assure you this is not a beginner-friendly problem so there are probably no beginner-friendly guides. While it is possible as pointed out by the replies above, you may encounter a bucket of limitations/obstacles in the process. Passing arguments / return values is one of them, you need to tackle type compatibility such as c-style string vs haxe string, c byte array vs haxe bytes, functions/closures, etc. and GC is another big topic.