Think_cli with Option type for arguments

I think tink_cli is not capable of handling Options?

  public var main:Option< String > = None;

That gives me this option:

src/gum/Main.hx:16: characters 3-43 : tink.Stringly should be haxe.ds.Option<String>

Also, I don’t know why I get this warnings just with the most basic example after installing the library:

/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/tink_cli/git/src/tink/cli/Macro.hx:216: characters 12-34 : Warning : use Future.irreversible() - or better yet: new Future()
/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/tink_cli/git/src/tink/cli/prompt/RetryPrompt.hx:30: characters 5-17 : Warning : use Future.irreversible() - or better yet: new Future()