[Solved] Interface merge type in haxe

have following code:

interface A {}
interface B {}
interface C {}

interface All extends A extends B extends C {}

var allObject: All;

function foo(source: A)...
function foo2(source: A + B)...
function foo3(source: B + C)...


Is it possible in haxe to make such types that object that implements interface All can be passed in all 3 functions?

In TypeScript it would be done like this

function foo2(source: A & B)...

This function would be satisfied by any object that implements both interfaces.

Thank you.

The Haxe equivalent for a TypeScript interface would actually be a typedef / structure. For those, the & syntax is indeed allowed as of Haxe 4 preview 4:

class Test {
    static function main() {
		var all:All = null;
    static function foo(source: A) {}
	static function foo2<T:(A,B)>(source:T) {}
	static function foo3<T:(B,C)>(source:T) {}

interface A {}
interface B {}
interface C {}

interface All extends A extends B extends C {}

That is for Haxe 3.4
For the latest Haxe 4.0-preview.4 replace (A,B) with A&B

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@Gama11 @RealyUniqueName Thank you for answers