None, I don’t see any advantage spend time on testing
None, I see advantage, but I’m a lazy developer
I’m very curious to know which solution is used by Haxe developers to unit testing them code. Do not hesitate to add some details about your preference.
// Because I cannot edit poll, I will update this extra entires from comments:
I’ve just tried to edit it for you, but got You cannot add or remove poll options after the first 5 minutes. You should close this topic and create a new one instead.
Back to the topic. I actually quite enjoy using haxe.unit.* and I’m a bit sad to see it go… It is perfect for adding tests for tiny libraries.
Thank you!
On my side I get You cannot add or remove poll options after the first 5 minutes. Please contact a moderator if you need to edit a poll option. ^^
Nice to see so many Buddy users, we should spread word about it, as it took me some time till I got tests set up and running at the beginning What I lack most in unit testing in haxe are stubs/mocks maybe someone knows some good lib that can mock functions and check if they were called, and what params were used ?