Pandas (Python), Tablesaw (Java) like library in Haxe

Hello to all,
everything is in the title,
I use those 2 libraries a lot.

Is there an equivalent in Haxe???

I know that we can use other languages in haxe.

This is one of the charm of this language. But I just don’t know how to do that yet.

then we should use this…


may be…

Haxe doesn’t have its own runtime. It mainly just transpiles its source code to a target source or byte code. So you can use an external library you like for a target you chose via the haxe extern conсeption Externs - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit. But take your notice the target runtime can’t be differ from the lib runtime in that case.

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First A great thank @alex_dja
Before giving comment on you nice answer I have to explain my situation,
I am some kind of Dinosaur that had to use Java and Python to help my work.
I was in a “learn to code or die” situation. As you can guess, I am coding now.
Then I have no bases. I can do things, but I actually don’t understand all the concepts.
This is for Java and Python.

For Haxe, I will say I have no rational explanation to explain why this language is so interesting for me. A lot to do with Armory and Blender may be, but that’s an other story.
My wish is to use it for work, I am not into game (sadly), then I am trying to transcript all that I have done in Python and Java into Haxe…And may be give it a sexy UI.

Then, and sorry for this long contextual response, but so to say that…
I hardly understand your answer.
And I will do what that is best to do…
I will try to interpret your answer to see If I get it right.


Haxe doesn’t have its own runtime.

Runtime definition

This part I have difficulty to grasp.

It mainly just transpiles its source code to a target source or byte code.

Target source like Java or Python Ok…


But take your notice the target runtime can’t be differ from the lib runtime in that case.

I guess that If I use Python libraries, it will not work if my target is Java.

Then, If I understood well, and please redirect me if I am mistaking,
you have a project you use say Haxeui and some Python library like Pandas.
You export it to Python.

Then…How to do that will be an other question I guess…

Runtime definition

I mean if you want to use an external library with haxe you should keep in mind the runtime environment your result code will run in.


Yes, haxe can also produce bytecode, e.g. jvm or hl target

Then, If I understood well, and please redirect me if I am mistaking,
you have a project you use say Haxeui and some Python library like Pandas.
You export it to Python.

If haxeui library supports python target(possibly it doesn’t) you can use it with Pandas lib and the result of compilation will be python sources.

Thanks! for all your explanations

You are welcome. Another point should be mentioned in cross target haxe lib development is conditional compilation Conditional Compilation - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit

package ui.table;

typedef Table = 
#if java;
#elseif python

usage: final table = new ui.table.Table();