NodeJS Haxe Module

I want to make my own nodejs module.
It should looks like :

var myAwesomeModule = {
  postmessage: function () {
    // whatever
  onmessage: function () {
    // whatever
module.exports = myAwesomeModule; 

I can’t do it in haxe.

Any idea ?

class MyAwesomeModule {
  static function main() {
    untyped module.exports = {
      postmessage: function () {
        // whatever
      onmessage: function () {
        // whatever

And build with haxe -js my-awesome-module.js -main MyAwesomeModule. Note that this will of course entirely sabotage @:expose :smiley:

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In the same fashion, but in order to prevent the whole block expression to be untyped, you can also do this:

var module:Dynamic = js.Node.module;
module.exports = {
    postmessage: function () {
        // whatever
    onmessage: function () {
        // whatever

If you don’t need to re-create the exports object you can just add @:expose('postmessage') on a static function.