Need help solving this error

Hi all,
I have this supposedly simple function:

function getBaseUrl(host:String, ?forwardedHost:String):Sting{
	final host = forwardedHost == null ? host : forwardedHost;
	final scheme = host.startsWith('localhost') ? 'http' : 'https';
	final baseUrl = '$scheme://$host';
	return cast(baseUrl);

Problem is I only get this output:

Any ideas?

I seem to have a similar problem. Can the devs do something?

    function parseDefines(args : Array<String>):Array<Sting> {
        var done = false;
        final defines = [];
        while (!done) {
            if (args[0].startsWith("-D")) {
                defines.push(args.splice(0, 1)[0].substr(2));
                done = args.length == 0;
            } else {
                done = true;
        return cast(defines);

Outputs this:

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Clearly something is fishy here. I will report this to the Police in the meantime.