Initializing HXCPP project on raspberry


Sorry for the newby question, but how do you initialize a hxcpp project on rpi?

So far I did :
->install haxe 4.2.5, hxcpp and hxcpp-debug-server on the raspberry
->install vscode and associated extensions
->use the vscode command >Haxe : initialize project
->modify task.json to get the compilation command line

Haxe -p src -cpp cpp -D rpi -L hxcpp-debug-server -main Main --debug

modify launch.json for HXCPP adding

“preLaunchTask”: “hxcpp debug” (the command line above)
“program”: “${workspaceFolder}/cpp/Main-debug”

when I hit the debug button the compilation went well but I got no trace, and the debug console shows

Debug server connected!
Socket error : write EPIPE

if I launch the Main-debug exe through the terminal, the trace appears.

What did I do wrong?

Just tried to compile HXCPP from git and it now works well.
the one installed from haxelib doesn’t seem to be fully compatible with the debuguer.

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