Hxcpp, hxcpp-debug-server, VsCode Windows 7 x64 Haxe Debug, Haxe V4

Not quite sure what you mean by that. Main.hx?

Technically, yes, workspaces in VSCode can have multiple folders. Such “multi-root” workspaces aren’t supported by the Haxe extension yet though. I guess you could consider any folder you open in VSCode a workspace, especially if it has a .vscode directory.

Well, you need to have hl installed and in your PATH. Similarly, for Flash, you need to have a standalone flash debug player associated with .swf files.

You could do that I guess, but copying just the .vscode folder should be enough really (and then adjusting the program paths for the configs in launch.json as needed).

This question doesn’t really make any sense to me, HaxeRepro is a project that uses the HXCPP Debugger extension.

Thanks all your help Gama11 Jens Fischer.

Now I understand how HaxeRepo works. It does need Hxcpp :slight_smile: I’ll run more experiment and see if I can create my own project.

Thanks again. Haxe community is great!! :slight_smile: Keep it up.

Finall Note (I hope) :slight_smile:
I copied .vscode and build.hxml files into the new project. Open build.hxml and change -cp to point to the new source folder for Haxe files.

THanks again!! Vscode is not working for debugging Haxe codes.

I hope that’s a typo and you meant “now”. :wink:


Yes, now. I was so excited about getting Vscode to working and watching each variable as I step through the code. I didn’t double check what I have written.

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