I don’t if this has been asked before. How best to debug haxe code. Eg option to step through the haxe code.
Some users suggested using Visual studio code. I think Haxe Develop may have a way to debug Haxe code.
Any suggestions?
I don’t if this has been asked before. How best to debug haxe code. Eg option to step through the haxe code.
Some users suggested using Visual studio code. I think Haxe Develop may have a way to debug Haxe code.
Any suggestions?
I gave a detailed breakdown of HaxeDevelop’s and VSCode’s debugging capabilities here:
Great!! Thanks for this. I’ll try not to ask too many questions I’m limited to seven replies a day
If you target JavaScript, you can make a debug build (add -debug
to your hxml), which provides source-maps. Then you can use the browsers devtools (F12) and step through all Haxe code.
You can easily place a debugger
statements in your code using js.Lib.debug()
to place a “breakpoint” at this position. From there you can also start stepping.
This isn’t HaxeDevelop specific, but works very good when using HaxeDevelop + JavaScript target.
Of course, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition with the Haxe Toolkit plugin can debug C++ and Flash/Air targets using Haxe original sources. See http://intellij-haxe.org/debugging and intellij-haxe/ExampleProjects/HxcppDebugging at master · HaxeFoundation/intellij-haxe · GitHub.
JavaScript targets can be debugged in original source mode using source maps in most browsers. It’s not a bad experience.
vsCode with the vsHaxe plugin has a more extensive list of targets that can be debugged, including HashLink and interpreted (–interp) and honestly, probably has the best debugging capability right now.
Thanks, everyone for your reply.
I’m still having problems getting either Visual studio code or HaxeDevelp to work in Haxe debug mode. I’ll keep at it.
What’s the problem, are you running into any errors?
If you’re stuck, a quick chat in the Haxe Discord or Gitter might help figure out what’s wrong.
Thanks for this I may use them.
Main problem is trying the get Vscode setup for basic debug. This depends on the target application. I’m working on bothwe Hashlink & haxecpp debuging
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