Hosting and categorizing devlogs

Hi everyone,

(Although I welcome everyone’s feedback here, this is a question mainly for the admins.)

In an effort to share some longer-form content than what is currently possible though Twitter, I’ve thought about using this site to host devlog posts related to some of the Haxe projects I’m currently working on. As a gamer and developer, I would also like to see the same type of posts from fellow Haxe developers who may be working on interesting projects and are willing to share their development process and lessons learned while working with Haxe.

That said, what would be the recommended way for tagging and categorizing these types of devlog posts moving forward: place them in the Showcase category and add a tag like “[Devlog]” to the beginning of the topic title, or should we create a new Blogs / Devlogs category altogether?




I think for now putting them in the showcase category with an appropriate tag is fine.
We can always create a category for it later if needed.

Sounds good, thanks!