Haxe solution for WebXR

I am doing a bit of reading about WebXR, the successor to WebVR, and I’m wondering what tools a Haxe developer should start with to get into it. I am aware of externs/libraries which allow Haxe to link to BabylonJS, Three.js, and Unity, which are all recommended engines for WebXR. As a Haxe user I would want to cover as many targets as possible, so ending up on Babylon Native or Unity seem to be possible scenarios. I currently have my head in Away3D but that engine and community seems to be stalled, splintered, and/or abandoned depending on where you look. Are there more Haxe-based solutions which are better candidates now or in the future? Are Armory or Heaps anywhere close? Anything else brewing out there?

I’ve done web+native VR in the past (2016) by targeting three.js and using some V8 native-bindings to pass-through to OpenGL so you have a slim native app. Performance was good enough for our use case

I’d probably do the same today in a pinch, although to save time today I’d just use something like chromium window for native and then switch to something slimmer if performance required it

I have a cross-platform haxe graphics engine brewing but will likely have to wait to 2021 before open sourcing it


Armory and Kha support WebVR but I’m not sure anyone did anything with it recently so it probably degressed a little. Updating that to WebXR shouldn’t be hard but I’m too lazy to calibrate the headset again - please send pull-requests.


… 3 years later, how hard would an update to webxr be? I will send a pull-request.

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