Haxe 4 is released!

Dear Community,

On behalf of the Haxe Foundation, we are proud to announce the official release of the Haxe 4.0.0! It is available along with the changelog at https://haxe.org/download.

We have worked for almost two years on this version. We shipped 5 preview and 5 release candidate versions, each with new and improved features and bugfixes and we have now reached a point where we can present a stable release!

Please report any issues here: Issues · HaxeFoundation/haxe · GitHub

We want to thank everyone involved and hope to see your codebases transition to Haxe 4 soon!


You can learn more on the wiki:

On the video section of the website (Haxe Videos - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit) you can find several talks about haxe 4:

Simon Krajewski did a talk Haxe Status Report at the in progress HaxeUp Linz 2019 (currently on twitch, will be uploaded to youtube later).


Exciting times, congrats Haxe team!

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And on saturday, perfect time to celebrate!
Well done everybody and thanks for this so expected release!!

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Great news!!!
Congratulations :beers:

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Congratulations! :partying_face:
Many thanks to the Haxe team!

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And the haxe.org site is looking refreshed as well! Crisp and beautiful!


On behalf of the Nexus Conglomerate, I congratulate you for all this hard work. May Haxe prosper as never before! I know I shall do everything in my power to ensure this by promoting Haxe every chance I get. And oh, trust me, I’ll get many, mwuahahahahahahahahaaaaa :smiley:

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