Haxe 4.2.1 is released!

Dear Community,

On behalf of the Haxe Foundation, we are proud to announce the official release of Haxe 4.2.1!

This is a bugfix release. It is available along with the changelog at https://haxe.org/download/version/4.2.1/

If you have any suggestions or run into any problems, feel free to open an issue on GitHub .

Thanks to everyone involved!


Thanks! I noticed the “compiler compatibility with OS X 10.13” note. What is the minimum version of OS X supported?

Perhaps it can be even lower, but I’m not sure if that would be useful.

I ask because I keep plugging along on 10.10. The only guy in the world, I know. :slight_smile:

Try this one: https://build.haxe.org/builds/haxe/mac-installer/haxe_2021-03-01_4.2.1-osx-10.10_c455bf5.tar.gz

Thanks—I will need to wait till I know OpenFL is compatible.

At least you can try to run a helloworld to find out if that build is compatible with 10.10