Hashmap set not working in neko but do work from javascript python, when set to dynamic

This code

class TestIssue {
	public static function main() {
        var out:Dynamic;
		out = new Map<String, Dynamic>();
		var kv = {key: "aaaa", value: "bbbb cccc"}
		out.set(kv.key, kv.value);

Is causing that error

TestIssue.hx:6: { key => aaaa, value => bbbb cccc }
Called from ? line 1
Called from TestIssue.hx line 7
Uncaught exception - Invalid call

In my actual use case, I am getting a different error, the code is too broad to post here

Called from ? line 1
Called from Main.hx line 15
Called from Main.hx line 101
Called from C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\std/neko/_std/haxe/ds/StringMap.hx line 33
Uncaught exception - $hset

I have some benefit from making it dynamic

But I am wondering what the proper approach would be

It’s probably a good idea to use var out:Map<String, Dynamic>;
For sure then Haxe will know it has the “set” method.
You probably have enough risk of problems having a Dynamic as the value field. :slight_smile:

// (expr : type)
(out : Map<String,Dynamic>).set(kv.key, kv.value);

Really really try to avoid Dynamic in your codebase.
Perhaps a Constraints would give you a bit more freedom.

But I suspect this is really what enums were invented for. But they may be too heavy.

enum NotDynamic {
	Floaty( f: Float );
  Stringy( s: String );
  Booly( b: Bool );
function main() {
  var out = new Map<String, NotDynamic>();
  out.set( 'afloat',Floaty(Math.PI));
  out.set( 'astring',Stringy('π'));
  out.set( 'abool',Booly(true));
  for (key => notDynamic in out ){
    switch( notDynamic ){
			case Floaty( f ):
        trace( '$key is float $f' );
			case Stringy( s ):
				trace( '$key is string $s' );
      case Booly( b ):
        trace( '$key is bool $b' );