Wanted to give HL and tink_X a test run and set up a sample program in vscode. I validated that the program debugs ok using “haxe-eval” as the launch option for launch.json and can hit my breakpoints ok. I also validated that command line HL works fine (output is expected).
However, when I try to debug HL from inside vscode I am running into problems. I think there’s probably some unique something on my system that is crashing out vshaxe-hl debugger. I’d love if someone could spot check my launch json entry first.
[2020-03-01 16:12:03.633] [renderer1] [error] timeout after 500 ms: Error: timeout after 500 ms
at t.RawDebugSession.handleErrorResponse (file:///D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:2892:728)
at file:///D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:2892:159
at async t.RawDebugSession.shutdown (file:///D:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:2890:248)
This is all on windows 7. I’m seeing a new “conhost.exe” launch for each debug launch, but I’m never seeing an HL instance. I know hl is available as part of SYSTEM_PATH, as I can launch it without problems from the command line.
“haxe.exe --version” yields “4.0.5”.
“hl.exe --version” yields “1.10.0”.
Any Ideas? Would like to avoid having to debug the vxhaxe extension if at all possible.
As I said before everything runs fine from the command line. test.hl is build successfully from inside vscode using the above task. The command line execution of test.hl runs, and outputs the expected trace() results. However, when launched from inside vscode it does not work. Zhan, I saw your old topic about this issue and tried multiple times to resolve using that discussion, without success.
EDIT: I also tried attaching to an existing waiting hl debug session, without success. The behavior inside vscode seemed identical to the “launch” option. Also, I build seperately and can verify that the build task works ok. If I remove/retain the preLaunchTask option does not matter; I receive the same result either way. BTW, HashLink extension is 1.0.0. Haxe extension is 2.18.0
So I tried your launch version and it behaves the same way on Windows 7. I may have to try to get another command line debugger working with vxhaxe and see what I can figure out. I think there’s hidden variable here somewhere. Did you have any issue with SYSTEM_PATH or other configuration issues?
So I installed everything on my Windows 8 laptop and everything works fine. I am assuming its some issue with Windows 7. I’ll post more if/as I get it.