Getting error: use of undeclared identifier 'u' when building for iOS

i am trying to build a openFL project for iOS and when building with xCode i get an error:
Error: /Users/lyman/Documents/SDKs/Haxelib/hxcpp/4,0,19/src/Array.cpp:390:28: error: use of undeclared identifier 'u'
The line in question reads:

Any toughts on that?

Posting the same I did on the OpenFL forums.

This is a hxcpp issue that comes about because of the unicode work on Haxe 4. Until it’s fixed, you can disable the new feature, and get iOS compiling again, by including this in your OpenFL project file.

<haxeflag name="-D" value="disable-unicode-strings" />

(or in a more general Haxe fashion, include -D disable-unicode-strings in your hxml file.

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