During the recent years, I’ve came many times to deadends when I tried to a pass a function as a parameter retun a modified but I wanted to be generic to anything callable, regardless of argument count.
Examples are memoization, debouncing, throttling, do while waiting, etc.
Of course there are workaround like using and (T)->T and use a anon object as T, or the C++ way of creating a class with an invoke method that takes no parameters.
In many cases this is not pretty, and also sometimes I do not have control over the functions, and on the environments that would use the functions.
Is there any solution for that?
function expensive(a:Int,b:Int,c:Int,d:Int):Int{
function veryexpensive(a:BigInt,b:BigInt):Int{
function memoize<T>(func:Callable):T{
var cache=Map<Params,Return>()
return function(...){
if cash.has
else func(...) store in cache.
var expensive_memoized=memoize(expensive);
var vem=memoize(very_expensive);
In javascript we would use arguments and apply.
In CPP there are solutions c++ - Writing Universal memoization function in C++11 - Stack Overflow however I guess templates are less restircted, and I am not sure that generic supports rest.