Error compiling source code

I was trying to compile source code for my friend’s FNF mod, and I get this in response after running it with -verbose:

Initializing project...
Using project file: F:\VS HD 3.0\vs-hd-v3-source-code/project.xml
Reading Lime config: C:\Users\moose\.lime\config.xml
Called from ? line 1
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1904
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 22
Called from a C function
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 124
Called from CommandLineTools.hx line 1705
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 21
Called from a C function
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 50
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 2041
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 1538
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 608
Called from a C function
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 719
Called from a C function
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 719
Called from a C function
Called from lime/tools/ProjectXMLParser.hx line 709
Called from /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/haxe/4.2.5/x64/std/neko/_std/sys/FileSystem.hx line 69
Called from /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/haxe/4.2.5/x64/std/neko/_std/sys/FileSystem.hx line 60
Uncaught exception - std@sys_file_type

Try a clean build.

How would I do that?

Similar to running with -verbose, you run with -clean.

Ah okay! Thank you!

Still an uncaught exception

Try deleting export directory and rebuilding. Apparently it’s not the same than -clean so that might help.

std@sys_file_type is an issue that sometimes has to do with special characters in file names. So make sure no files have non-english characters in their names.

For reference, this is the code on line 709 in ProjectXMLParser.hx (in a method named parseAssetsElementDirectory):

if (FileSystem.isDirectory(path + "/" + file))

The documentation for FileSystem.isDirectory() mentions this:

If path is not a valid file system entry or if its destination is not accessible, an exception is thrown.

I can’t tell you exactly what’s wrong, but the problem seems to be related to one of the files in the directory that contains your project’s assets.