[Decode error - output not utf-8] - Sublime Text 3

Anyone encountered this? When trying to compile get [Decode error - output not utf-8].

The default encoding in the Sublime Tet settings is UTF-8, is this the output from the compiler that’s in a format sublime doesn’t like? What’s going on here?

OK, this happens when the compiler throws an error, in my case a class path error. :smiley:

Yeeeh… Got the same*. This “utput” information apparently doesn’t refer to the actual error. More like some additional info it seems to me.
I made a new build system (option at the bottom of the menu [tools]) and so far it works. Seems like there was a problem with finding the python program.
I used:
“cmd”: [“C:/actual-path/python”, “$files”],
“selector”: “source.python”

*on Windows…
