CPP target crashes without any error messages

How to detect null access on cpp target. (multithreading)

For example:

public static var simpleMap:Map<String, Dynamic>;

static public function main() {
	//simpleMap = new Map<String, Dynamic>();

	sys.thread.Thread.create(() -> {
		simpleMap.set("1", {
			example : null



There is a similar situation in my application, but I cannot find it because exception info not available.

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IIRC null access is not checked in release mode by default. Either add -D HXCPP_CHECK_POINTER define or build in debug with --debug.
See this doc for other flags: hxcpp/Defines.md at 531303dbf0fef34c2788b3a6be7372a70c77d919 · HaxeFoundation/hxcpp · GitHub

I updated the example, null exception does not show when it is a multi threading.

public static var simpleMap:Map<String, Dynamic>;

static public function main() {
	//simpleMap = new Map<String, Dynamic>();

	sys.thread.Thread.create(() -> {
		simpleMap.set("1", {
			example : null



Non-Multi Threaded Source Code:

class Main {
    public static var simpleMap:Map<String, Dynamic>;

    static public function main() {
        //simpleMap = new Map<String, Dynamic>();

        simpleMap.set("1", {
            example : null




Called from hxcpp::__hxcpp_main
Called from Main::main Main.hx line 7
Error : Null Object Reference

Multi Threaded Source Code:

class Main {
    public static var simpleMap:Map<String, Dynamic>;

    static public function main() {
        //simpleMap = new Map<String, Dynamic>();
        sys.thread.Thread.create(() -> {
            simpleMap.set("1", {
                example : null


*Crashing without any output.

I am also looking for a solution to this. I have a thread running and randomly crash and I have no clue on what or where that cause it. Is there any news on this yet?