November 24, 2017, 5:03pm
As I was answering tips about @:jsRequire
(Haxe-react- howto create externs for grid-styled - #9 by axelhuizinga ) I had a look at the documentation (Loading extern classes using "require" function - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit ) and though “oh maybe I could add something here”.
“Contribute to this page” deeplinks to the article on Github, but generally the repository root doesn’t have any documentation on How to contribute - I’d expect something explaining the decision/review process, and more importantly, how to build it locally to preview the changes?
November 26, 2017, 11:25pm
So I wrote a blog post about that:
When targeting JavaScript, using NPM modules is a must, and although there is nothing you can’t do with Haxe, it requires to understand how these modules work in order to write (even minimal) externs.
Some of that info would be useful to have in the documentation - like “how to convert ES6 imports into Haxe require”.
Doesn’t this info help?
# [The Haxe Manual](https://haxe.org/manual)
## Contributions / Information for authors
##### For contributions please edit the `.md` files in [`content/`](content/).
The manual is separated into chapters. Each chapter resides in its own `.md` file. The syntax is Markdown for the most part, with some special comments mixed in.
## Markdown syntax
Standard syntax can be used freely (and in moderation).
### Sections and labels
On https://haxe.org/manual, the manual is separated into individual pages. Each page has its own URL and represents a **section**. Every section has a title and a label. For backward compatibility and flexibility in titles, the label of a section is not directly based on its title.
As an example, the ["Property" section](https://haxe.org/manual/class-field-property.html) has the label `class-field-property` (which you can see in its URL).
This file has been truncated. show original
In the haxemanual project there is a convert.hxml, you can run that to generate the markdown files. You can check those markdown files in online tool to check if it looks good.
In the convert hxml you can disable pdf/ebook related commands.
Hope this helps, otherwise let me know!
November 29, 2017, 8:47pm
Thanks, I had skimmed through this readme but missed the compilation.
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