I am looking to use Solr (or Lucene) from java source, compile it and use it in C# and Swift (it seems possible?)
First I was looking to use externs with library, but this So post advices to consume jar instead.
If I understand correctly…
-cp src
-main Main
-java-lib ./dependencies/solr/solr-core-8.8.1.jar
I run haxe --main src.Main --interp
in terminal.
I expect the modules/namespaces to appear in vscode autocompletion (having Haxe Extension Pack in vscode. installed)?
Am I missing or misunderstanding something. How can I consume jar file with haxe?
I tried to consume a simple jar made from a hello world java sample.
It does not show up in the intellisense in vscode.
And when trying to run haxe --main src.Main --interp --java-lib dependencies/example/Main.jar
Error: Target eval does not support native libraries (trying to load dependencies/example/Main.jar)
(Valentin Lemière)
April 6, 2021, 4:14pm
This does not run your hxml file, but run the Main class though the eval target.
You need to compile with haxe build.hxml
You can only use --java-lib
with the java target.
Is the same true when using externs, that the library only can be used for one target?
(Uldis Baurovskis)
April 7, 2021, 11:17am
If library is cross platform (for example pure Haxe one) then it can be used in multiple / all targets, but in case of platform specific ones you can use only for dedicated target, like jar files can only be used if targeting java project
I will probably multi target. Using multiple platform specific search engine libs