Coconut.ui coconut.vdom two way databinding

I have a long backgrond in VueJS, I decided to try out coconut (smaller, faster, typesafe)

on all online docs I see buttons mutating the state and state being visualized on dumb elements.

I am used to vuew js to the pattern of <input v-model="my_number" /> where Vue will replace it with reactivity to :value="my_number.toString()" @change="my_number=parseInt(this.value)", vue has also some special rules on sringifying and parsing, to help with booleans, nulls, checkboxes etc.

Is this supported by coconut?
<input type="number" value=${balance}></input>
Currently the markup above, complains about balance being an Int, I could fix this by changing it to Std.string(balance) but than update will not work?

From the coconut mvc he is doing it like this <input ref=${input} type="text" placeholder="What needs to be done?" onkeypress={e -> if (e.which == KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN && e.src.value != "") { todos.add(e.src.value); e.src.value = ""; }} /> Which is really long

I think this is not related to coconut but to react, the model coconut is following, due to being spooiled with 2 way binding I will continue to use Vue (obviously from haxe).

I still wonder whether it would be possible to enable using some macro a posibility to anonate a input, and that would both load the initial value, and attach the handler, I will look into this option too.

Currently I am using this

    function input_box(attr:{ model:Dynamic}) {
        var field_name="__coco_"+attr.model;
        return hxx("<input value=${Std.string(Reflect.field(this,field_name).value)} oninput={v->Reflect.field(this,field_name).set(v.src.value)}></input>");

And using like this

<input_box model="act_title" />