did anyone here create a Cesium ( http://Cesiumjs.org ) based or Cesium enhanced Javascript App?
I am trying to set it up but it seems that I get lost in being new to Cesium and Haxe …
Thanks for any help!
From the tutorial it looks usable with Haxe, though there are a few gotchas no matter whether you write externs or try to go dynamic.
For quick and dirty you can use Dynamic;
// get a global reference as `Dynamic`
var Cesium = (js.Browser.window : Dynamic).Cesium;
// now you can access simple variables and functions like:
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = 'your_access_token';
// however to "construct" an object you need the `js.Syntax` escape route:
var viewer = js.Syntax.construct('Cesium.Viewer', 'cesiumContainer', {
terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain()
This produces the following JS:
var Cesium = window.Cesium;
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = "your_access_token";
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer",{ terrainProvider : Cesium.createWorldTerrain()});
You can write that until you decide to go further and write externs, which can take more time:
If you do that there is a class gotcha: the Cesium
API exposes functions (Cesium.createWorldTerrain
) and classes (Cesium.Viewer
) which can’t be expressed directly in Haxe so it would be something like:
package cesium;
@:extern @:native('Cesium')
class Cesium {
static public function createWorldTerrain(?options): cesium.CesiumTerrainProvider; // or just Dynamic
@:extern @:native('Cesium.Viewer')
class Viewer {
public function new(dom: haxe.extern.EitherType<String, js.html.HtmlElement>, ?options);
which you would use like:
var viewer = new cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
terrainProvider : cesium.Cesium.createWorldTerrain()
If you’re enthusiatic about it, I also see the Cesium is opensource and has extensive jsdoc coverage, so you may want to try automating the externs production for instance with a tool like GitHub - hexonaut/js2hx: Convert JSDoc documented code to Haxe externs. or GitHub - jdonaldson/jsdoc3-hxtern: a jsdoc3 plugin for generating haxe externs - though those tools are old/incomplete they could be a good start to get most of the externs scaffolded.
Thanks a lot Philippe,
that really gave me an insight.
However since I do not feel too enthusiastic at the moment I’d rather skip the externs
For now I guess I will finish the project much quicker in javascript directly.