Can't build the .exe file

I’m trying to make a mod for a game but when i go to build it, it happens:

C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/polymod/git/polymod/format/XMLMerge.hx:189: characters 10-23 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of haxe.xml.Access
C:/HaxeToolkit/haxe/lib/polymod/git/polymod/format/XMLMerge.hx:189: characters 30-43 : Warning : This typedef is deprecated in favor of haxe.xml.Access
source/PlayState.hx:249: characters 3-39 : Warning : FlxCamera.defaultCameras is deprecated, use FlxG.cameras.setDefaultDrawTarget instead
C:\Users\Jotape\Desktop\Kade-Engine\export\release\windows\obj>setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Error: the specified MSVC version does not have vcvarsx86_amd64.bat setup script
Error: Error: the specified MSVC version does not have vcvarsx86_amd64.bat setup script

It happens the same to me. Trying hard to fix it, but no progress so far.

You can ignore the warnings. These errors are all that matter in that output you posted.

Which version of Visual Studio C++ did you install to build for Windows?

how to ignore?

I don’t know how to hide the warnings, if that’s what you mean. I meant that they are not relevant to the issue at hand, so you can ignore them mentally.

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