after a long period of inactivity we try once again to organize a Bavarian Haxe Meetup in November. Anybody interested in participating please join the Bavarian Haxe Meetup Group Bavarian Haxe Meetup (Rosenheim, Deutschland) | Meetup
We are also looking for some nice ideas for presentation !
I will keep you updated here when we have a fixed date.
While I will most likely not be available for a Meetup in November, I would still like to help. If there is anything I can do to help you promote the event and get some traction, please let me know.
I think just setting a date and “doing it anyway with whover shows up” is the best approach here, it is difficult to plan when you don’t have a date.
so now we are a step closer to get the meetup running. We have a date - 28.11.2018 and we have a location - the ZD.B (Zentrum Digitalsierung Bayern) in Garching near Munich is so friendly to give us a room.
To generate some interest it would be super if someone with a “name” in the Haxe community would be willing to come and show a bit what she/he is doing. I will give a short talk and show how we are using Haxe in our company. But that won’t be enough !
We have changed our plans for the “Meetup”.
Since the interest of new members to come to this Meetup was about log(n) of group members, we have decided to make it more cozy for us and meet in a nice restaurant - same day 28.11. 19:00. Everybody who likes to join is welcome - please register at the meetup group to get the location.