Back to trying (and failing with) HashLink

Hello, again.

I just installed Haxe 4.2.1 from the ppa on an Xubuntu 18.04 node. Something not quite right with the hl setup here, it seems.

class Hello {
    static function main() {
        trace("Hello, world\n");


prompt$  haxe -hl hlhello.hl -main Hello
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:73: characters 16-17 : hl.Bytes should be hl.types.Bytes
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:73: characters 16-17 : ... For function argument 'key'
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:64: characters 19-23 : hl.Bytes should be hl.types.Bytes
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:64: characters 19-23 : ... For function argument 'key'
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:111: characters 52-62 : hl.Bytes should be hl.types.Bytes
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:111: characters 52-62 : ... For function argument 'key'
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:118: characters 52-62 : hl.Bytes should be hl.types.Bytes
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/_std/Type.hx:118: characters 52-62 : ... For function argument 'key'
/usr/share/haxe/std/hl/types/ArrayObj.hx:69: characters 3-38 : hl.types.NativeArray<Dynamic> should be hl.NativeArray<Dynamic>

The errors run for a while. I was on HL 1.10, so compiled (and installed, and ldconfig’ed) 1.11.0. Same error spew.

I’m pretty sure this is a local problem, but any hints?

Have good

Jokey aside: I’d like to come to grips with HashLink, and I’m pretty sure anyone that creates a shopping cart handler with an HL embedded engine would do very well selling the API to pot dispensaries. :slight_smile:


Did you try
Cppia was quite easy to run unit test against some maths code.
Get the impression that Cppia largely works anywhere that hxcpp does so likely has a bit more coverage, obviously that will change, and if HL ends up better approach can switch later.