New HaxeUI component explorer!

Howdy Haxers!

Ive been working, for what feels like months (probably is months to be fair!), on a new component explorer, which can be found here:

Pretty much every example has changed in someway and a bunch of new examples have been added… Too many to mention really!

I dont think there is a single component type left out now, and ofc, Ill be adding more as they added to the lib…



Man what a great toolkit. I love that there’s native HTML if you want it. I know HaxeUI can do responsive layouts. Perhaps that could also be added to the explorer?

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Yeah, not a bad idea! Ill have a think!

I’d also like to get this all working for the other backends - like able to download .exe’s or online js version but with with that framework:

  • haxeui-openfl
  • haxeui-nme
  • haxeui-flixel
  • haxeui-heaps
  • haxeui-hxwidgets
  • haxeui-raylib
  • haxeui-kha
  • haxeui-pdcurses? (dont think this one is achievable!)

I think for the most part it would be a case of #if def’ing out some browser specific stuff. Im a little “explorer’d out” at the moment though - so that can wait for another point in time :slight_smile:
