Thanks to the Haxe Forum!
What 3D specific approach / library / framework would you suggest for a Haxe app ?
Thanks. I have a more “warm and fuzzy” feeling about using HaxeUI now.
Can you say How to use HaxeUI as part of a 3D application ?
About HaxeUI:
Can anyone share their experience using HaxeUI ?
With all of your help I am trying to make a good choice for the GUI approach.
About forGL…
Everything is available:
If anyone wishes, send me your email through the Message feature and I will send a .zip of all Sources and Build .bat files and Docs. I will try to keep up with emails from the Community about the .zip but my primary focus is publish to GitHub (MIT license) by end of April.
Uses a Dictionary of a .toml file to Read in at start Word definitions. Words may be defined in various European languages now with support for other languages before ver 1.0
Dictionary internally has a few values per Word.
Word type: Noun, Verb, Built in Verb, Operator, Choice, Local Noun (local variable)
Noun is like Data to Haxians. string, integer, float, bool (all practically identical to Haxe way)
Verb is like Code. User types in a Verb definition.
Verb, Built in is like a already provided utility. Show top value of Data stack for example.
Operator(s) are well known Math operators or functions, Punctuation or ( ) { }
Choice are flow control keywords like If, else, while, etc.
Local Noun is defined only within a Verb. Lifetime is within the block where it first appears.
Each Word type has a different Color so you can see at a glance What the type is.
Other values for Words in a Dictionary are:
Visible name what the User / forGL Programmer can use when Editing. May be in any European language.
Internal name the English equivalent of the Visible name. Used by forGL.
There is a Parser and Resolver that take Dictionary definitions and build a linear Array of Objects for the forGL Interpreter run time use.
forGL Interpreter is Stack based using Data, Operator and Noun stacks and some other stuff. Having the Stack based approach allows forGL to support nearly any combination of Nouns, Verbs, Operators, in practically any order to support the wide variety of Natural Language(s) orders. Think Prefix, Infix or Postfix notation is up to User.
For more details of forGL see somewhat long Intro and End post:
Or I could just send you the .zip