Unclear install instructions for C#

I’m trying to follow part 4 of the install instructions for C# compiler - Visual Studio Compiler:
haxe.org c# install page
It went smoothly until step 4:
“Open the bin/cs/Main.csproj C# project in Visual studio”
… but there is no such file there

So I made a empty one there, and it prompted me to install:
C# for Visual studio

When trying to debug it made me a launch.json, which gave me errors since I didn’t have tasks.json, and then this:
MSBUILD : error MSB1003: Specify a project or solution file. The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file.

But at this point I feel that I’m already far off the script … how was I supposed to find Main.csproj?


part 4 is If you want to use Visual Studio to compile and debug your project (disabling automatic compilation). If you want to go in that way, add -D no-compilation -D real-position to the end of your build.hxml file and build your Haxe project by running haxe build.hxml as described in 1st line number. This should generate bin/cs/Main.csproj file (step 3) without compiling it (you need to setup VS for that).

Oh woah, I did add that to the build.hxml… but I had split it onto two lines because the 2nd -D didn’t get color highlighed in the editor.

I reversed that, and Main.csproj have now been generated.

Still getting the same error, but I should undo the C# part and auto creation of launch and tasks, and try the steps anew.

I’m still stuck setting up a C+ compiler for Visual Studio Code

  1. Install Visual Studio Community Edition.

I installed Visual Studio 2022, with no extra stuff

  1. Open the bin/cs/Main.csproj C# project in Visual Studio. If you are prompted about the .NET Framework version being unsupported, select the option to “Change the target to .NET Framework…”.

Opened it in VS, but had to do it after skipping the opening screen, and I did not get any promt about .NET Framework

  1. Open the .cs file that corresponds to the .hx file that you want to debug, for example Main.cs for the Main class.

Opened it too in VS

  1. Add breakpoints into your C# code as you wish and Start Debugging your project (press F5).

Was not able to add breakpoints, and F5 did nothing in VS

So I these instructions must have been for VSCode? so I went back into it and closed the folder, and opened Main.csproj and Main.cs only, added some breakpoints … and yes.

When I then press F5 on Main.cs, then I get the choice of “.NET 5+ and .NET Core” and “.NET Framework 4.x (windows only)”

But selecting any of those seems to do noting, and if I press F5 again I just get the 2 options again.

  1. Visual Studio should compile the project and enter debugging mode, allowing you to easily fix problems in your Haxe code.

Neither VS nor VSCode did any debug

I have used VSCode to make some HTML5 projects without any problem, and I had no problem setting that up

Or should I just skip that compiler and go for a different one? which one is easiest to setup?