Thread issue with upgrading to haxe 4.x.x


In older haxe I was able to use Threads like:
class MyThread extends sys.thread.Thread { …
Now Its abstract class, how can I do this in haxe 4,x,x?

class MyThread {
  final thread:Thread;
  public function new(t:Thread) this.thread = thread;


abstract MyThread(Thread) from Thread {

Ok, I tried:
class MyThread {
final thread: sys.thread.Thread;
public function new(t: sys.thread.Thread) this.thread = thread;
and I have error “Assigning a value to itself” for this code: this.thread = thread;

I need to make not abstract class, can’t use ```
abstract MyThread(Thread) from Thread {

Oh, found issue

class ThreadBase {
final thread: sys.thread.Thread;
public function new(t: sys.thread.Thread) this.thread = t;

Thanks! It works now

Only problem
var a: MyThread = new MyThread(null);

Its not actually extended class, current method not available. I have compile time error
I have to re declare all methods :frowning:

Maybe you can use MainLoop.addThread() to do same thing as MyThread

I need Thread as class not abstract. In haxe you can’t make/extend class from abstract, which is looking strange to me. To make it work I have to re declare abstract methods in my class:

class MyThread {
final thread: sys.thread.Thread;
public function new(t: sys.thread.Thread) this.thread = t;

public function sendMessage(msg:Dynamic):Void {

public static function current():MyThread {
    return new MyThread(sys.thread.Thread.current());

public static function create(callb:Void->Void):MyThread {
    return newMyThread(sys.thread.Thread.create(callb));

public static function readMessage(block:Bool):Dynamic {
    return sys.thread.Thread.readMessage(block);

@:op(A == B)
public function equals(other:MyThread):Bool {
    return thread.equals(other.thread);
