Operator Overloading: "should be Int" compilation error


I’m pretty new in the Haxe ecosystem and I don’t understand why this piece of code is failing with a “should be Int” compilation error:

class Test {
    static function main() {
        var v1 = new Vec2(1, 2);
        v1 * 2.0;
        trace(v1.x + " " + v1.y);

class Vec2
    public inline function new(x : Float, y : Float) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    @:op(A * B) @:commutative
    public inline function multiply(B : Float) : Vec2 {
        return new Vec2(x * B, y * B);
    //@:op(A * B) @:commutative
    //public static function multiply(A:Vec2, B:Float):Vec2 {
    //	  A.x *= B;
    //    A.y *= B;
    //    return A;
    public var x:Float;
    public var y:Float;

This can easily tested in https://try.haxe.org

Thanks in advance for your help.


Operator overloading on classes is not supported and the compiler expects Int by default for arithmetic operations.

You need something like this:

class Test {
    static function main() {
        var v1 = new Vec2(1, 2);
        var v2 = v1 * 2.0;
        trace(v1.x + " " + v1.y);
        trace(v2.x + " " + v2.y);

enum abstract Vec2(Vec2Impl) from Vec2Impl to Vec2Impl {
    public inline function new(x : Float, y : Float) {
        this = {x:x,y:y};
    @:op(A * B) @:commutative
    public inline function multiply(B : Float) : Vec2 {
        return new Vec2(this.x * B, this.y * B);

typedef Vec2Impl = {x:Float, y:Float}