[macro] How to create macro expression of a parameterized type?

This thing doesn’t work:

var expr: haxe.macro.Expr = macro Array<Int>; //error: Expected expression

How make it work?

You can’t create a “type expression” (class reference) with type parameters, neither via normal syntax, neither with a macro. What do you want to achieve?

I have a method:

static function addGetter(fieldName: String, fieldType: ComplexType, fields: Array<Field>)
	fieldName = capitalizeFirstLetter(fieldName);
	var getterName = 'get${fieldName}';
		macro interface I 
			function $getterName(): $fieldType;

I need create ComplexType var for Array<SomeData> type to pass in the function parameter “fieldType”.

I found a workaround as:

static function addGetter(fieldName: String, fieldType: ComplexType, fields: Array<Field>, 
		isList: Bool = false)
		fieldName = capitalizeFirstLetter(fieldName);
		var getterName = 'get${fieldName}';
		if (!isList)
					macro interface I 
						function $getterName(): $fieldType;
					macro interface I 
						function $getterName(): Array<$fieldType>;

Ah, then you are just missing the :, see Type Reification - Haxe - The Cross-platform Toolkit

I’ll take a look it. Thank you :slight_smile:

Returning to the subject of macro:, it’s look like it’s impossible to use constuction like this:

switch (cType)
	case TPath({name: name, pack: [pack]}):
       var expr = $v{'$pack.subPack.$name'};
       var complexType = macro: Array<expr>;

It is not, because expression reification creates Expr, where as type parameters expect ComplexType so you can’t mix them up. Something like this would work:

var elemType = TPath({pack: [pack, subPack], name: name});
var arrayType = macro : Array<$elemType>;

It’s clear. Thanks again:)