Invalid number of type parameters for flash.utils.Dictionary

Why does this statement:-

private static var STAGE_TO_STACK : Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);

give me this compile error:-

Error:(42, 40) Invalid number of type parameters for flash.utils.Dictionary

If you are using openfl’s Dictionary, it’s because Dictionary requires the type to be parameterized; you need to specify the “generic” arguments, which are called “type parameters” in Haxe.

In this case, Dictionary is defined as:
abstract Dictionary<K,V> (IMap<K, V>) {...}
which means that you have to provide the types for K and V, like so:
private static var STAGE_TO_STACK : Dictionary<Integer,String> = new Dictionary(true);
private static var STAGE_TO_STACK : Dictionary = new Dictionary<Integer,String>(true);
or, the most specific (but unnecessarily wordy):
private static var STAGE_TO_STACK : Dictionary<Integer,String> = new Dictionary<Integer,String>(true);

Of course, you should change <Integer,String> to match the types you need.