Haxe Use-Case Brainstorming

Hi everybody,

So I’ve been trying to get into Haxe lately, and I just started writing my first small Haxe program ( just a small script to backup some folders to tarballs on s3, ). :slight_smile: Anyway, I’ve been trying to get a real grasp on what Haxe is good for and I wanted to see what ideas other people had on how you can use Haxe. I just want to brainstorm possible use cases, ones that make sense and even ones may not.

Haxe’s special ability to compile to its impressive number of backends actually seems to make it harder to grasp what makes it useful. Yes it is cross platform, but it also has a much smaller community of libraries. Then you also have the ability to use libraries that are on your target backend, but why would you write Haxe in that case because you are now locked into that backend and no longer platform independent. Even still, you have the ability to write a Haxe library that uses different externs on the different target platforms and provides a common interface to them for your Haxe code ( like HaxeBullet ).

There are so many options! How can I leverage the different approaches that I could take to Haxe. I don’t care what the particular application is, I just want to brainstorm what the possible applications are. What do you think? :wink:

I think you need to embrace your confusion as an indicator that Haxe is useful for pretty much any purpose. :slight_smile: Develop for one platform, and much of your code is portable to another platform if and when the need arises.

Yea, I probably overthink it a little bit. Usually I don’t have to think about it because there is already the most popular and battle tested way to approach a particular application. With Haxe it is a bit more open-ended. Actually, as soon as I started looking outside the scope of a single language things got more open-ended. :wink:

For now I’m just going to start using Haxe to solve problems I run into and see what happens. :slightly_smiling_face:


Amen to that!