Introduce Yourself!

Hi all ! Any Haxe developers based in Sydney :slight_smile: PM me


Hi community !

New Haxe user since few weeks, based in France, mainly interested by the Heaps game framework.

See ya


Well it’s about time I post here. I’m Phil Chertok - new Marketing Director for the Haxe Foundation. I’ve been working in web and game development with a focus on digital marketing for over 11 years.

I have experience in many languages and tools including Unity, Unreal, AS3. I’ve been working with Haxe for 4 years as a front-end web development tool.

In my free time I’m a big fan of Martial Arts so you’ll often catch me watching a MMA event.

I’m going to be a lot more active on here but feel free to reach out to me through any of the following channels:

Twitter - @fishbulb_ca
email - phil (at )


Hello community,

sorry, I have just discovered this introduction panel. So I intruduce myself with a little delay…

I am Arnim Schachtschabel and with great humbleness I realize how much I still can learn about programming HAXE.

So I am very thankful for this community and its very kind, competent and respectful members.

I believe that the world, we live in, is much more complexe than we often imagine. Mere simplification is not always the best solution of handling that. So I work on concepts of translating one complexe representation into another.

The goal is to achieve an optimal communication between

  • human <–> human
  • computer <–> human
  • computer <–> computer

And this is not only a technical aspect but also a conceptional and sometimes even a philosphical one.

So I am looking foreward to great discussions with you.

Kind regards


Hello everyone,

I discovered haxe a few months ago, and I decided to study it for, I hope, programming music software with Haxe.
If there are Haxe developers not too far from Toulouse (France), I would be happy to meet them. The documentation is really great for a first immersion. Thank you to the community for this work and I hope to see you soon on the forum.



Hi people from Haxe Community! :slight_smile:

My name is Nidal, I like movies, vanilla-chocolate ice cream, snowboarding and everything else in-between.

I used to do too many different things to remotely look to be true when put together on a CV, so I’ll just skip that part.

What’s important here is that currently my favourite go-to language is Haxe. I’ve been working with and learning it for the past few months and it has already started to replace most of my Pyhton scripts and, coupled with Lime, it seems that it will replace most of my graphics-related stuff too.

Next in line I have few web apps to convert to micronaut .io + GraalVM + Haxe.

This is also preparing ground to convince stakeholders on whatever my next project is to use Haxe instead of javascript for frontend business logic. Yay! :smile:

Love the fact that I can build native binary for Linux, OSX and Windows since I switch daily between these three. Still have Android and iOS to try (with Lime).

Excellent stuff (Haxe is made of :wink: ) !

That’s it for now, over and out.

If you wonder what’s that zagortenej thing, search the Web for “zagor sergio bonelli” :slight_smile:


Greetings from Randy Maxwell in Arizona.
April, 2019

Strong Suggestions:
Remove Can’t and Impossible from how you describe things.
My own experience has shown several times that I was not seeing the situation from the correct Point Of View. I published an example when not constrained by NDAs …

More interesting:
Think about Kurt Göedel’s Incompleteness Theorems applied to activities
“You can’t learn everything about a system from within it. You need to see the system from the outside.” My paraphrase.

Haxe as a programming language and as a cross language and platform approach is a good example of seeing programming languages more from the outside and then having new ways to use computers with less overall work.

How do I partition a system or model or language or whatever ?
I use what I call Thinking by Contract which is Design by Contract applied much more widely.
Using the 3 extra Points of View of
Pre Conditions
Post Conditions

I found Thinking by Contract helps organize and sometimes simplify a messy problem (program) to get fairly good results. Sort of a Divide and Conquer approach (strategy and not just a tactic).

Michael Abrash’s
Graphics Programming Black Book
is a must read even now for Graphics and Games programmers.
The Hardware (PC & AT) and the Software (ASM and C) may be outdated
The introduction to each Chapter with a few pages of a problem and then finding another way to see the problem are priceless. Some of the links contained below are free downloads.
Strongly Suggest you at least read the start of each Chapter for examples of Points of View.

30+ years doing software gigs. Starting in '68
Graphics Developer/SW Engineer/Contractor/Sr. SW Eng/Team Lead/Architect/open Contributor
8086 (Graphics!) / 80386 Assembler to C/C++, Java, Amber 4GL, Python and now Haxe.
Embedded on PC ISA card to Multi Threading to multiprocessing to N-Tier Client/Server to HW bring up tests at Intel.
Dangerously Ignorant of Web stuff (HTML, CSS, JS) which brought me to Haxe.
Dangerous with every programming project I worked with.
Really Dangerous with forGL. forGL app sometimes acts like a programming language.

THANKS to: Haxe, Haxe Forum Members, Göedel, Thinking by Contract and “what would be Cool to Users”, I have had some success with improving forGL to be ready to publish.

I believe: We are here to Learn from each other and Help each other.
I have Learned quite a lot from you all, Thanks!

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Complete newcomer rolling up here :wave: Been learning Haxe for a few days now and enjoying it so far. I usually keep in the background tho… As I’ve had several questions already, I probably will ask a couple of them :smirk:

I’ve started programming when I was around 12 and these days I’m a game dev student. I’m a little conservative in my programming ways, and as such I like to know exactly what the environment I’m working with can do and how. Accordingly, I’ve been working on my own 2D game engine - in Haxe, of course :wink: targeting explicitly C++. Still working on the basics so far, so nothing to show off just yet.



My name is Hugo.
My background is C# and Flex/AIR.
I came here start knowing Haxe/OpenFl once seems the most similar approach to Flex/AIR and see if is possible to port one Desktop application to Haxe/OpenFl and if is a viable choice on the long therm.

I already saw on your use cases how successfully did it in the past so it’s a positive sign for me.



I’m basically a guy from south Germany that is currently trying to make chatbots using Haxe! Mostly Discord Bots, tho.

I frequently use Haxe for some quick projects, like personal tools. I think Haxe is very underrated.

I’m also trying to get into game development.


  • Visual Studio Code w/ vshaxe
  • Redis as a database for everything because I don’t know SQL lol
  • paint.​net, Photoshop CC and Illustrator for my graphics editing needs
  • Windows 10 or Ubuntu 19.04, depends on what I’m doing

Hope everyone has a great day! :smiley:


I everyone!

My name is Joseph HENRY, I am a developer from France working in an animation studio on pipeline tools and automation!

I mainly code in Python / Javascript / TypeScript / C++ and a bit of Rust.

I’m very interested about languages, how they work internally and how they are implemented so I discovered Haxe and it looks awesome!

I’m also a creative coder (been using Processing / p5.js a lot) so the graphics related libraries and applications caught my interest!

Currently making a toy project with Haxe (with Neovim as the IDE) so I can get my hands on it :innocent:

See you on the forum!


Bienvenue parmi nous :wave:

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